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FDI-FW05M Forced Entry/Bullet Resistant Fixed Window System


  • Steel Construction
  • Glazing component easily replaceable
  • Forced entry resistant
  • Custom sizes available
  • Shipped completely glazed, ready for installation
  • DOS 1141 GWV-05N-FDI-01


Glazing Materials shall be of a type approved by H.P. White Laboratory for Forced entry.


The Fixed Window Series (FDI-FW05M) was primarily developed to compliment the FDI05M series in those areas where additional, non-transactional type glazing was required. This sturdy and boldly designed unit is capable of withstanding repeated physical assaults.

System Construction

  1. Frame assembly is constructed of steel angles and tubes. Framing dimensions are 2 ¼” wide by 5” deep.
  2. Frames are fabricated and shipped completely glazed ready for installation
  3. All joint connections are welded to provide a rigid assembly when installed
  4. Frames are pre-drilled to accept ½” anchors 8” o.c.


All window units are made to order


Standard rough opening is required to be 3/8” to ½” larger than window dimension.


Standard: All steel window frames are furnished prime painted.

Optional: Factory applied enamel can be provided. Also, aluminum trim in clear and bronzed anodized, bronze, stainless steel and brass are available for a premium. Contact factory for information.

Applicable Standards

  • DOS SD.STD-01.01 (Rev. G amended)